Preparing for Fillers and Facelifts

Turn Back Time – Preparing for Fillers and Facelifts.

Keeping that youthful glow is a dream many have; however, aging, UV rays and a ton of other factors make it almost impossible to do naturally. You’re tired of trying creams and face masks that give little to no results, so fillers and facelifts are options you’re looking into. They’re some of the most popular procedures to help reverse the signs of again on your face but shouldn’t be taken lightly. Here’s what you should know when preparing for fillers and facelifts.

The Procedures

Each has the goal of giving you a more youthful appearance but the procedures themselves are drastically different.

Fillers are injections of different compounds that will plump and smooth out your skin. There are many different dermal filler options, each with varying effects and longevity. Here’s a breakdown on some of the options available for you. You can choose to specifically target an area of your face or smooth everything out entirely. Getting dermal fillers is much less invasive and painful than a facelift. The procedure is also easier and has fewer complication risks. There’s almost no need for recovery time after you receive dermal fillers. However, you should still avoid intense physical activities for the first 24 to 48 hours. Unlike facelifts, the effects of dermal fillers wear off anywhere from 6 to 18 months.

There are quite a few things you can do in order to prepare for fillers. This will help create the best results and to ensure the procedure goes over smoothly. After consulting with your surgeon, take arnica a few days prior to receiving fillers in order to lessen the bruising afterward. Avoid waxing, tweezing and hair removal of any kind on the area to be treated. Don’t consume alcohol for 24 hours before the procedure and be sure to ask your cosmetic surgeon about other ways to prepare beforehand. A Facelift, or rhytidectomy, tightens loose and sagging skin around the face and neck (a neck lift is normally done as part of the facelift to complete the look). Incisions are made just behind your hairline from your temple to your ear. The skin is then pulled back, tissues below the skin are altered to give a more youthful look, excess skin is removed and the incisions are closed. Unlike fillers, the effects of a full facelift can last up to 15 years. But keep in mind; this is an intense surgery that will require a significant recovery period. Facelifts are generally only recommended when fillers are no longer enough to achieve the look you want.


A facelift cannot help sun damaged skin, superficial wrinkles, irregular skin color or creases around the nose and upper lips. Preparing for a facelift can feel overwhelming when you start looking into it. But following your surgeons’ instructions will ensure the results you want without complications. Here are some things you should expect before and after having a facelift in more detail. Deciding on whether you want fillers or a facelift will all depend on the condition of your skin and the results you’re looking for. Taking into account your medical history, the recovery time necessary for both procedures and many other factors will help determine which is best for you.

Preparing for fillers and facelifts will make the procedures less stressful once since you’re up to date on all of the details. If you’re interested in fillers or a facelift, book a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon (Dr. Lambert’s website) today to discuss your options. A cosmetic surgeon will be able to tailor a procedure customized to your needs and goals.